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Council on Aging Minutes 04/06/2011
Minutes of meeting held on April 6, 2011

The meeting was opened at 10:17 a.m. by Chairman Sue Sanders

PRESENT:  COA members: Diane Balderelli, Earl Johnson, Lowell Nixon, Olive Nixon, Brad Noble, Jack Reed, and Susan Sanders.  Others: Senior Center Director Margaret Crock, Outreach Worker Deb Tierney, Manager Don Sanders, and Linda Artruc.

MINUTES:  Motion by Diane to accept the March 2, 2011, minutes was approved.


OUTREACH WORKER – Deb offered many suggestions for increased use of the Center and program expansion: Add the other two Wednesdays into the lunch program; add a cable show called “Senior Showcase” where once a month we feature a senior here in Holland who is lending a hand in the community; expand the stained glass classes to meet on Thursdays due to the great response; videos for seniors dealing wellness topics which affect them such as fall prevention, driving safety.  We need to purchase the copyright insurance.  She would also like to have an Open House at some point.  It was suggested we videotape the happenings at the Center and post on cable.  Diane suggests dances periodically and bus trips.  Margaret says the first Wednesday is a problem because of the COA meeting, so maybe we can just do one more lunch each month.  Don is willing to volunteer his time.  Motion by Diane to hold another stained glass class on Thursday mornings was unanimously approved.  Deb to come up with a cost for the videos she would like and we will discuss it in May.  Motion by Diane to allow Deb to discuss making a video to put on cable and have a Senior Showcase was unanimously approved.

SENIOR CENTER DIRECTOR: Margaret Crock.  In March, 850 contacts were made and 74 seniors were served.  322 attended the Center, 148 attended congregate meals.  The balance Includes: Intergenerational activities (30), COA meeting (10), blood pressure/AVADA (0), senior tax work off (24), cards & games (54), exercise (51),  meetings and other activities (9), stained glass (51), speakers (22), crafts (12), computer (12), gardening (4), veterans’ agent (6), phone calls (95).  Letter from McClure Engineering regarding the well was reviewed.  Margaret wants the tree that was knocked down to be replaced.  It was donated by the Wetlaufers.  Motion by Earl to obtain a replacement was approved.  Margaret submitted a bill for reimbursement.  She paid Richard Clark that balance of his fee not covered by the Cultural Grant.  Motion by Diane to reimburse Margaret was approved.  A letter of thanks will be sent to Mr. Clark.  

SENIOR TAX ABATEMENT PROGRAM: Margaret Crock - As March 31, 2011, the Senior Center has used the program in the amount of $4,280.00, the Assessor’s office $136.00, tax collector $554.00, Town Clerk $168.00, and Holland Elementary School $1,1140.00.  Total YTD is $6,574.00

PROGRAM COMMITTEE:  Regular programs:  Lunch is served every Monday as well as on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month – reservations, please.  Monday Veterans Services Agent at noon – reservations needed; Mah Jongg at 10:00 a.m.; Tuesday Chair Yoga from 10:00 to 11:00 with Eva.  Small fee per class.  Stained glass classes from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. Fee: $15. /month.  Call Tom Baltazar 413 245-3163 to register; craft class 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. with Linda Artruc, Activities Coordinator. Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Arthritis Foundation exercise program with Eva Pittsinger; COA meeting on the 1st Wednesday at 10:15; Tai Chi from 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. with David Masera, small fee per class; craft classes with Linda Artruc and guest artisans 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. Thursday Computer classes 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. with Linda, and Cribbage from 12:15-3:00 p.m.  Zumba coming in April, Thursdays 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.  Weekdays:  Card games, scrabble and puzzles available daily.  We have some activities after 3:00 p.m. to accommodate those who work.  We have exercise equipment available Monday through Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  No fee.  In May a personal trainer will come in to evaluate 20 people who are interested in using the equipment.  On April 4 12:30 – 1:45 Richard Clark presented his interpretive performance of Andrew Carnegie.  It was very well received.  Watch the Palmer Journal for coverage in 1-2 weeks.  April 5 10:00 – 11”00 a.m. Gentle chair Yoga with Eva Pittsinger has begun. April 6 1:00 – 3:00 AVADA.  The next opportunity is June 1.  April 13 10:15 – 11:30 a.m. ceramic egg class with Linda Artruc.  12:30 to 1:30 Harrington Hospital Outreach – bone density and blood pressure tests.  April 28 3:00 – 5:30 p.m. “Senior Prom” at Tantasqua includes meal and line dancing lesson – sign up.  May 9 12:30 – 1:30 John Porcino, musician, per Cultural Grant.  May 13 all day Town workshop.  May 16 12:30 – 1:30 Attorney Todd Ratner will speak about senior financial planning.  June – Plans for a Tea Party with Linda Artruc (12:30 – 2:30).  Date TBA.  Would you like lunches on ALL Wednesdays?  I can arrange with GSSSI.  Ms. Carol Willard from Tantasqua Junior High wants to treat us to a catered lunch at a date to be set.  Kathy Matroni will come and check blood pressures at a date to be set.  

FINANCIAL:  Brad Noble, Treasurer - March report includes:  Receipts: GSSSI $630.00 and gifts totaling $450.00.  Expenditures: Telephone $69.53, water testing $15.00, Lois Dupre $225.90, exercise class $135.00, Linda Artruc $40.00, building supplies $138.49, trash pickup $53.84, National Grid $105.46, Osterman propane $585.75, and salaries $1,768.20.  

MANAGER:  Don Sanders – Don replaced the switch and the bulbs controlled by that switch.  Outside work is beginning.  Fertilizer is needed for the beginning of May.  He would like $200.00 to purchase fertilizer.  Two picnic tables will be brought out of the basement soon.  Horseshoes are almost ready to go.  He would like to get two umbrellas for the tables, some outdoor games, and better quality mulch.  He will look into getting our inside tables welded to prevent the possibility of collapse.  

Motion by Diane to accept the above verbal and printed reports was approved by the Council on Aging.



CORRESPONDENCE:   Letter sent to American Red Cross requesting a donation when they use our facility for blood drives.
OLD BUSINESS   National Grid and the light at the head of the - is progressing.


Alice Hunt was present at the meeting.  She announced that she will resign her position of the Board of GSSSI.  She thinks Holland should have representation and would like someone to volunteer.  They meet the third Wednesday of the month in Springfield and you must serve on a committee.  She tells us there may be funds available near the end of FY 11.  

Use of the facility, outside events vs. senior events in excess of 24 people was tabled

Requests for use of the Center presented for approval.  Concern expressed about the number of outside events being scheduled which are classified as “events.”  This causes a conflict with use of the Center for senior “events.”  We are limited in the number of “events” (25 or more in attendance) per annum due to the situation with our well/public water supply.  Approval was granted to three of the four events presented.  One was tabled until next month.  It was agreed to revisit this at the end of the fiscal year to look at our usage to date.

Diane would like to see us make our own lunches.  Diane and Don will visit Wales Senior Center and see what is involved.  We will look at this again in May.

Brad passed around a revised version of the job description for the proposed position of “alternate.”  Motion by Diane to change the language in the job description for “alternate” was unanimously approved.

Brad noted that the facility manager’s hours, which had been cut to three hours for lunches, would now be returned to four hours per lunch.  Motion made by to return Don’s hours to four per lunch as approved with six ayes and one abstention.

Motion made by Brad to adjourn the meeting at 10:55 a.m. was approved.

Submitted by:  

Susan Sanders, Secretary  

cc:     Selectpersons
Town Clerk

Meeting on May 4, 2011
Call to Order at 10:15 a.m.
Approval of minutes of April 6, 2011
Outreach Worker, Senior Center Director
Program Committee, Senior Tax Abatement
Finance, Facility Manager
Unfinished Business, New Business, Correspondence